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Countryside Auction

Countryside Auction is open every 2nd and 4th Sat. except no 4th Sat sale in Dec. for miscellaneous and goat and sheep sale.  Marketing tips- ethnic holidays.  Some ethnic holidays are marked.  Sell 2-3 weeks before that holiday for process time. Sometimes right after a holiday is good time to sell as all product has been sold and they need to restock.


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Welcome to our web pages.  We hope you can find the information you are looking for here.  We’ve changed navigation and hope that helps.

Countryside Auction Barn was built and opened in Oct 2006 as a comfortable facility to sell your goats and sheep.  Our barn is handicap accessible with comfortable seating and AC in summer. We strive to give you the best auction around.  In 2010 we added an outside consignment sale.

Location - 342564 E 840 Rd North of Chandler Ok go 5 1/2 mi n of Turnpike bridge on Hwy 18 to 840 Rd, go west 1 1/2 mile on North side

Time - Every 2nd and 4th Sat.  except Dec only 2nd Sat.  Consignments sale  time change to 3PM .  Livestock starting at 5PM.  Next sales Feb 22 Mar 8,22, 2025

Unload times: Fri 3-6 or  earlier or later by appointment if you call.  Sat Sale Day start at 8:30 till 30 min before Sale time on consignments.  Livestock unload till sale is over. Any other times must be by appointment.

What we sell: Consignments- poultry, rabbits, hatching eggs, hay, farm, tools, trailers, household, tack, damaged pkg overstock items--what ever shows up for the day.

Livestock:  Goats, Hair or Wool Sheep,and ocassionally a Llama- a guard animal.  We no longer are taking in Pyrenees or Anatola guard dogs for sale.

We do not sell hogs, horses, cattle, or donkeys.  We are not licensed to sell those.

Contact info: for general question  Wayne Rozell call  40five 61five --  70six five- do not text.  Or  for stock questions Josh Raper 40five  2five8  --   6four four8  - Stock manager

Market Transaction Average Report

Market Summary goats

Market  summary sheep


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