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Countryside Auction Goat & Sheep Sale
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    Next sales     Feb 22, March 8, 22 2025 

Countryside Auction just North of Chandler, OK. at 342564 E. 840 RD sells goats, sheep & llamas on the 2nd & 4th Sat. of every month at 5 PM except no sale 4th Sat in Dec. This barn was built in 2006 to handle smaller animals and for our customer comfort. In Sept. 2010 we added an outside consignment sale selling miscellaneous, poultry, rabbits. and hay at 3:00  PM.

We continue to strive to give you the best auction around.  Our barn is handicap accessible and AIR CONDITIONED in summer and HEATED in winter- arena & lobby.  We do water your stock and we weigh your animals before they sell.   Ask your friends which auction they use and where they get the best, friendly service. directions 


Upcoming items and events page tells what we have coming this next sale and any special events planned.

Frequently ask questions page for answers.  If the answer isn't there please call and ask us or ask us at the sale or email or facebook your question.

Barn & Unload area

Market report

Pictures of our facility and sales

arena 1

Scales to left weigh as the animals come into the ring.  Scoreboards show information during the sale.


Comfortable theater seating with short steps up and floor seating for handicap that can't climb steps.

Picture showing our 3 tv screen with left no head and tag no coming into ring, middle information, right screen - before sale our advertisers and during sale animal just sold price and buyer.

Left screen shows tag no, wt, head, ave. as they come into the ring.

tv screens

Center screen scrolls information about the sale and how many head checked in and increases as they are checked in and decreases as they are sold.

info tv

Right screen shows weight, head no., ave. weight, price, buyer  no. on previous sale. 


from 11092024

Unloading starts at 8:30 Sat morning or 3-6pm on Fri for early unload. Other times by appointment. Call for appointment 405 615 --- 7065 The consignment sale selling miscellaneous, poultry, rabbits, equipment  and hay starts at 3.  We accept items only till 30 min before sale starts.  The goat, sheep & llama sale starts at 5.  We accept goats or sheep umtil sale si over. We are not licensed to sell horses, donkeys, baby calves, or pigs.

ANY QUESTIONS? Please call us at 40five 61five --- 70six five. DO NOT TEXT US!  Wayne will not answer your text. We  have big fingers and bad eyes so no telling what kind of message you might get.  And if you leave us a voice message and we don't return your call shortly please call back.  We have found recently that voice messages are taking a long time to show up on our phones.  If we don’t return a call please call us back.    Also the noise of poultry and animals can sometimes over power the sound on the phone, so if we don’t return your call shortly try again.   


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